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उत्पाद विवरण
बैंक का नाम

Axis Bank

खाता नाम

Easy Access Digital Savings Account

खाते का प्रकार

Saving account

ब्याज दर

Less than Rs. 50 Lakh-3.00% p.a. and Rs. 50 Lakh and up to less than Rs. 800 Crs-3.50% p.a.

निःशुल्क डेबिट कार्ड

Secure+ Debit Card

Easy Access Digital Savings Account
खाता खोलने का शुल्क


वार्षिक रखरखाव शुल्क


Minimum Account Balance

Average Monthly Balance: Metro - Rs. 12,000, Urban - Rs. 12,000, Semi-Urban - Rs. 5,000, Rural - Rs. 2,500

डेबिट कार्ड शुल्क


एनईएफटी शुल्क

Free online

आईएमपीएस शुल्क

Free online

फीस और शुल्क

Easy Access Digital Savings Account

विशेष लक्षण
  • Uninterrupted shopping via Debit Card with higher withdrawal and shopping limits of ₹40,000 and ₹1 lakh, respectively.

  • On opening an Easy Access Bank account users get an instant E-Debit Card and an Online rewards debit card delivered to you. 

  • 1% cashback and a chance to earn 3X reward points on all online purchases.

  • With the online rewards debit card, purchases of up to ₹50,000 are insured from damages and theft. Additionally, on using it within 30 days of account opening, you get ₹500 worth of shopping vouchers redeemable on Grab Deals.

  • With the physical rewards card, users get accelerated EDGE Points for the following online and offline spending: 10X for travel booking, 5X for electronics purchase, 3X for online food delivery, 2X on clothing stores.

  • Users can enjoy Buy 1 Get 1 offer on booking movie tickets using E-Debit Card on BookMyShow.

  • Users can enjoy a 10% discount every time on Flipkart and via Grab Deals. Also, enjoy an additional 35% discount on 50+ brands available on Grab Deals using your Physical or E-Debit Card.

पात्रता मापदंड
  • Applicant must be a Indian citizen.

  • Applicant must have original PAN and Aadhaar Card.

विशेषताएं, पात्रता और लाभ
पक्ष विपक्ष
  • Personal accident cover of ₹5,00,000.

  • Air accident cover of ₹1 crore.

  • 1% cashback and a chance to earn 3X reward points on all online purchases.

  • With the online rewards debit card, purchases of up to ₹50,000 are insured from damages and theft. Additionally, on using it within 30 days of account opening, you get ₹500 worth of shopping vouchers redeemable on Grab Deals.

  • With the physical rewards card, users get accelerated EDGE Points for the following online and offline spending: 10X for travel booking, 5X for electronics purchase, 3X for online food delivery, 2X on clothing stores.

  • Users can enjoy Buy 1 Get 1 offer on booking movie tickets using E-Debit Card on BookMyShow.

  • Users can enjoy a 10% discount every time on Flipkart and via Grab Deals. Also, enjoy an additional 35% discount on 50+ brands available on Grab Deals using your Physical or E-Debit Card.


Low interest rates

Application Procedure

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पैराग्राफ़ टेक्स्ट जोड़ें। फ़ॉन्ट, आकार और अन्य जानकारी अपडेट करने के लिए “टेक्स्ट संपादित करें” पर क्लिक करें। टेक्स्ट थीम बदलने और पुनः उपयोग करने के लिए, साइट स्टाइल पर जाएँ।

उत्पाद समीक्षा
खाता खोलने की प्रक्रिया और प्रक्रिया
How to open an Account?
  • Verify your identity using PAN and Aadhaar.

  • Provide your information.

  • Fulfill your KYC requirements through a video call.

  • Deposit funds into your account.

आवेदन की प्रक्रिया
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