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उत्पाद विवरण
बैंक का नाम

Federal Bank


Individuals jointly with other Individuals
For Minor Individuals by Guardian
Sole proprietary concerns
Joint stock companies
Any other entity not prohibited by RBI

ब्याज दर

5 to 7.40% per annum.


6 months to 10 years.

सावधि जमा प्रकार


Cash Certificate

Cash Certificate

कर लाभ


साख दर


ब्याज भुगतान आवृत्ति

At maturity. Typically for fixed deposits having interest payment at maturity, compound interest is applicable and for fixed deposits having monthly interest payment, simple interest is applicable. Typically fixed deposits having a tenure of one year or less, simple interest is applicable. It is best to consult the bank officials before you book a fixed deposit


Cumulative ( Compounded quarterly)

  • Minimum deposit amount of Rs 1,000.

  • There is no maximum limit for the maximum deposit amount.

  • You can get a loan against Fixed deposits up to 90% of the deposit.

  • The minimum deposit period of 6 months and the maximum deposit period is 10 years.

न्यूनतम निवेश राशि


फीस और शुल्क
  • Minimum deposit amount of Rs 1,000.

  • Loans against deposits are available.

  • No limit on the maximum deposit amount.

  • Interest payout is only available at the time of maturity.

पक्ष विपक्ष
खाता खोलने की प्रक्रिया और प्रक्रिया
कैसे खोलें?
  • Opening a cash certificate is very easy. You can open the deposit either as online or offline.

  • If you are having FedNet - Internet Banking account, please visit FedNet to open Cash Certificate online.

  • If you do not have Internet banking facility activated, please visit your branch for opening the deposit.

  • Open cash certificate through our mobile banking application FedMobile.

Application Procedure

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