उत्पाद विवरण
बैंक का नाम
State Bank Of India
Resident individuals singly or jointly, Minor (himself/herself or through his/her Guardian), Karta of HUF, Firm, Company, Local bodies and any Government department
ब्याज दर
Up to 7.50% per annum.
6 months to 10 years.
सावधि जमा प्रकार
Special Term Deposit
कर लाभ
साख दर
ब्याज भुगतान आवृत्ति
At maturity. Typically for fixed deposits having interest payment at maturity, compound interest is applicable and for fixed deposits having monthly interest payment, simple interest is applicable. Typically fixed deposits having a tenure of one year or less, simple interest is applicable. It is best to consult the bank officials before you book a fixed deposit.
Minimum deposit: Rs. 1,000
Maximum deposit: No upper limit.
Interest on the deposit is compounded quarterly and paid to the depositor at the end of the term.
Loan facility against the deposit is available.
न्यूनतम निवेश राशि
फीस और शुल्क
Higher potential returns.
Minimum deposit amount of Rs 1,000.
No tax saving option.
The interest amount is paid at the time of maturity only.
पक्ष विपक्ष
खाता खोलने की प्रक्रिया और प्रक्रिया
कैसे खोलें?
Application Process:
Visit your nearest Bank of Baroda branch or use their online banking services.
Provide the necessary details, including the deposit amount and preferred tenor.
Complete the required documentation
Application Procedure
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