उत्पाद विवरण
बैंक का नाम
Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited
अधिकतम ऋण अवधि
30 years
अधिकतम ऋण राशि
5 crore
ब्याज दर
Retail Prime Lending Rate (RPLR) 19.92% p.a (effective September 1, 2022)
Adjustable / Floating Rate Loan: PLR 20.50% p.a. (effective January 06, 2023)
Fixed Rate Loan: 10-24% p.a

अग्रिम भुगतान
75% to 90% of property value
फीस और शुल्क
Processing Fees:
Application/Login Processing Fees (Nonrefundable): Rs. 3500/- + applicable taxes
• Home Loan: Processing Fees up to 3 % of Loan
amount + applicable taxes (payable before
disbursement of Loan)
• Non-home Loan: Processing Fees up to 4 % of Loan
amount + applicable taxes (payable before
disbursement of Loan)
Part Payment/Pre-closure
Home Loan availed by Individual/s/Non-Individual
at Floating Rate of Interest: No charges.
• Home Loan availed by Individual/s/Non-individual
at Fixed Rate of interest: 2% of principal amount of
Loan being prepaid+ applicable taxes.
No prepayment charges shall be payable for partial
or full payments made from own sources.
The expression “own sources” for this purpose
means any source other than borrowing from a
Bank/HFC/NBFC or Financial Institution. The
Borrower will be required to submit such
documents that the Lender may deem fit and proper
to ascertain the source of the fund.
• Non home loan for business purposes availed by
individual/s at floating rate/fixed rate of interest: 4%
of principal amount of Loan being prepaid +
applicable taxes.
• Non-Home Loan for the purpose other than
business availed by Individual/s at Floating Rate of
Interest: No charges.
• Non-Home Loan availed by Non-Individual as a
borrower at Floating/Fixed Rate of Interest: 4% of
principal amount of Loan being prepaid + applicable
Loan repayment
instrument dishonor
charges: Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes
CERSAI charges Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes
Loan Pre-closure Statement: Rs. 1000/- + applicable taxes
List of documents deposited with the Lender : Rs. 1000/- + applicable taxes
Loan Repayment Schedule (applicable for physical copies only): Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes
Change of Loan repayment mode: Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes
Loan cancellation after cheque handover: Interest accrued & due + applicable taxes
Duplicate No Due Certificate/NOC issuance charges: Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes
Statement of Account (applicable for physical copies only): Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes
Photocopy of documents Rs. 1000/- + applicable taxes
Rate of Interest conversion charges (fixed to fixed or floating to floating or fixed to floating or floating to
fixed, as applicable from time to time): 0.50% of the Loan outstanding + applicable taxes
Retrieval of original property documents: Rs. 500 + applicable taxes
Additional Charges 2% p.m. on Outstanding Amount for the non-compliance of any terms and conditions of the Transaction Documents by
the Borrower, for the period beginning the date of such noncompliance until the same is cured to the satisfaction of the Lender + applicable taxes
Collection pickup charges: Rs. 250/- per visit + applicable taxes
Any Legal cost/charges: At actuals + applicable taxes
Non-encumbrance certificate: At actuals + applicable taxes
Recovery related charges At actuals + applicable taxes
Stamp duty/Franking charges: At actuals + applicable taxes
Statutory Charges At actuals + applicable taxes
Custodial charges Rs. 500/- + applicable taxes; cases where title documents
न्यूनतम CIBIL स्कोर
डाउन पेमेंट और शुल्क
Piramal Capital and Housing Finance Limited
विशेष लक्षण
पात्रता मापदंड
विशेष रियायत
होम सेवर विकल्प
विशेषताएं, पात्रता और रियायत
High Interest Rates
पक्ष विपक्ष
Application Procedure
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